Meet the Staff
Mrs Clare Davies
- Head Teacher
- Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead
- Prevent Lead
- SENDco
- Attendance Officer/ Champion
Mrs Kere Ascot
- Class 3 teacher (Years 5 and 6)
- Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer
- Maths Lead
- History Lead
- Geography Lead
- DT Lead
- ECT tutor
Mrs Delia Dulgheru
- Class 2 Teacher (Years 3 and 4)
- English Lead
- Science Lead
- Art Lead
- MFL Lead
Miss Georgina Vallance
- EYFS/ KS1 Phase leader
- Phonics Lead
- Early Reading / Reading Lead
- Class Teacher (Years 1 and 2)
- ECT mentor
Mrs Sarah Davey
- Reception Class Teacher
- RE Lead
- PHSE Lead
- PE Lead
Mr Ralph Finnimore
- Early Career Teacher (ECT)
- Class Teacher (Year 1 and 2 )
Mrs Kerri Higham
- HLTA - Qualified Sept 2023
- Forest School Lead
- Music Lead
- Learning Support Assistant and Lunch Time Supervisor
Mrs Tamsin Mammatt
National Tutoring Programme / Intervention Teacher - supporting children across the school both individually and in small groups 1:3. Focussed on targeted intervention to ensure all children 'Close the Gap' and are supported to 'Catch Up' - making accelerated progress.
Mr Peter Hinton
- Learning Support Assistant
- Lunch Time Supervisor
Ms Christine Keilmann
- Early Years Educator and Lunch Time Supervisor
Mrs Sharon Bisby
- Office Administrator
- Finance Officer
- Mental Health Lead - Qualification Anna Freud Fully funded by the DofE Autumn 2022
- Learning Support Assistant, Lunch Time Supervisor and Wrap Around Provision Lead
Mrs Holly Neale
- Midday Meal Supervisor