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Welcome to Mary Tavy and Brentor Primary School

Our school day -(Gate Opens at 8:30am)8:45am - 3:15pm

Wrap Around Care -7:45am- 5:30pm

I would like to warmly welcome you to Mary Tavy and Brentor Primary. 
We are a small, village primary school for children aged 4 to 11 situated in Dartmoor National Park, West Devon, with an aspirational vision of achieving the highest possible outcomes and providing our children with an exciting and engaging curriculum. 

'A great curriculum responds to the needs of individuals and enables them to flourish academically, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally.'

We are continually updating our website, to ensure everyone is inspired by our offer for the children of Mary Tavy and Brentor.


At Mary Tavy and Brentor, every child is recognised as a unique individual and is provided with opportunities and experiences to enable them to have the confidence and skills to make decisions, make connections and become aspirational lifelong learners. We have made conscious decisions to stretch our children and offer a range of unique experiences. We seek to build resilience, confidence and independence, providing challenges and a range of experiences to complement our structured curriculum. As a small school, we are fortunate to have access to a wonderful outdoor space which extends opportunities for children to learn through ‘first-hand ‘experience in our special village. 

Please feel very welcome to telephone the school to arrange a visit to look around. As a maintained Devon County Council (DCC) school, all applications for places in our Reception class should be made through the DCC Admissions Team. 

Any other in-year admission, Year 1 to Year 6, should also be made via the Local Authority, but please contact the school in the first instance.

We have 94 children on roll, with 4 classes.
EYFS- Reception 
Class 1- Years 1 and 2
Class 2 - Years 3 and 4
Class 3- Years 5 and 6