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School Council

Academic Year 2024 /25

Congratulations to

  • Tilly who has been duly elected as Chair of our School Council and to
  • Oliver who has been duly elected as Vice Chair.

School Council 

Our School Council is made up of two children from each class elected by their classmates at the beginning of the year.

Through this process, all children from Year One to Year Six gain experience of Democracy which is integral to their understanding of ‘British Values’.

Every half-term, we gather to discuss, overview and analyse various school issues so that all children feel heard and together we can make Mary Tavy and Brentor Primary school an inclusive place to learn and grow.

As you will may have seen on our FB/ Instagram pages, we have been looking at British Values and learnt all about what living in a Democracy means.  We held our in-class elections for our School Council representatives and I am delighted to share with you that the successful candidates for this academic year .

  • Class 1 –  
  • Class 2- Harriet and Frederick
  • Class 3 - 

Our prefects had the opportunity to stand for the positions of Chair and Vice Chair and all prefects pitched their manifestos to the school in assembly. We then held a whole school  ballot with a ballot box and ballot paper and all children passed their individual vote.

In our Celebration Assembly at the end of the week, we announced the successful candidates.  

Chair of the School Council is Tilly and the Vice Chair is Oliver

We are  looking forward to our first meeting  agreeing our ethos and Code of conduct.

It is going to be a very exciting year ahead.

#democracyinaction   #britishvalues   #schoolcouncilelections   #vote   #democracy