School Meals
TCC Catering provide Mary Tavy and Brentor Primary School with delicious, freshly cooked meals using seasonal and local produce cooked and prepared at Tavistock College and then delivered to MTB to be served by our team.
The menu runs on a three weekly cycle and lasts for one term.
All children in KS1 (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) are entitled to Universal Free School Meals but you must complete the form in advance to select your child's choices for the week
The cost of a school meal is £2.70 per day for children in KS2 unless your child is in receipt of Pupil Premium. Please do check if you qualify for this by clicking the link below.
The order form is sent out on a Monday via ParentMail and ideally it should be completed before the end of the week ideally to allow the catering team to source the ingredients and reduce food waste. The Form is a Live Form and can be completed on the day should you require a school lunch urgently.
A copy of the current menu is available below, in the documents section.
If you think you may be entitled to free meals, even if your child is in KS1, please complete the form below. Free School Meals also attracts additional funding for the school to support your child in their learning so is always worth checking periodically if your personal circumstances change.